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Acer palmatum Osakazuki


Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum Osakazuki is a small to Medium size tree with bright green deeply lobed leaves turning bright orange to bright red in autumn.

Acer palmatum Osakazuki

A small to Medium size tree with bright green deeply lobed leaves turning bright orange to bright red in autumn.

Max Height 6m. Max Spread 6m. Plant in full sun /part shade. Hardy.


Acer palmatum Osakazuki is a stunning deciduous tree that belongs to the Aceraceae family. It is commonly referred to as the ‘Japanese Maple’ and is native to Japan and Korea. This particular cultivar is highly prized by gardeners and landscapers alike due to its vibrant, fiery-red foliage that transforms any garden or landscape into a vibrant canvas of color.

Acer palmatum Osakazuki is a medium-sized tree that can grow up to 25 feet tall and 20 feet wide. It has a broad, dome-shaped crown that is covered in a dense foliage of delicate, palmate leaves that are typically seven-lobed. The leaves are bright green in spring and summer, but they turn into a brilliant shade of scarlet in the fall. The tree produces small, inconspicuous, red flowers in the spring, which are followed by small, paired, winged fruits known as samaras.

Acer palmatum Osakazuki is a relatively easy tree to grow, and it is well-suited to most climates. It prefers well-drained soils that are rich in organic matter and slightly acidic. The tree is tolerant of both sun and partial shade, but it does not tolerate extreme heat and drought. It is best planted in a sheltered location that is protected from strong winds and frost.

The easiest way to propagate Acer palmatum Osakazuki is by taking semi-ripe cuttings in the summer. The cuttings should be taken from the current year’s growth and should be around 6 inches long. They should be treated with a rooting hormone and then planted in a mixture of peat and perlite. The cuttings should be kept in a warm and humid environment until they have established roots, which usually takes around 6 to 8 weeks.

Alternatively, Acer palmatum Osakazuki can be propagated by layering or grafting. Layering involves bending a branch to the ground and covering it with soil until roots have formed, after which the new tree can be separated from the parent tree. Grafting involves attaching a scion (a young shoot or bud) of Acer palmatum Osakazuki onto the rootstock of another tree.

Acer palmatum Osakazuki is primarily grown for its ornamental value. Its vibrant foliage makes it an excellent choice for a focal point in a garden or landscape, and it is often used as a specimen tree. It is also suitable for planting in large containers or pots, which can be placed on patios or balconies.

In Japan, Acer palmatum Osakazuki is often grown as a bonsai tree. Bonsai is the art of growing miniature trees in pots, and it requires skill and patience to shape and maintain them. Acer palmatum Osakazuki is particularly well-suited to bonsai cultivation due to its small size and delicate foliage.

Apart from its aesthetic value, Acer palmatum Osakazuki also provides several benefits to the environment. Trees play an essential role in purifying the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants. They also provide shade, which can help to cool the surrounding area and reduce energy consumption.

Acer palmatum Osakazuki is a beautiful tree that has become a popular choice for gardens and landscapes around the world. Its vibrant, fiery-red foliage and easy cultivation make it a great addition to any garden or landscape. Whether grown as a specimen tree, in a container, or as a bonsai, Acer palmatum Osakazuki is sure to add a touch of elegance and beauty to any setting.


Plant Size

3 Litre


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