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Cordyline australis


Cabbage palm   
Torbay palm

Cordyline australis is an erect, palm-like tree with arching narrow, green leaves. It is a strong architectural plant, mature trees bear tiny, creamy white flowers, followed by white or blue-tinted berries.

It flowers through June to July, fruiting in August. It can grow to a Max Height of 3m to 10m, and has a limited spread of 2 to 3m.

Cordyline australis prefers full sun or partial shade, and is hardy in most areas, and seasons other than the most severe winters.

Cordyline australis

Cabbage palm
Torbay palm

Cordyline australis is an erect, palm-like tree with arching narrow, green leaves. It is a strong architectural plant, mature trees bear tiny, creamy white flowers, followed by white or blue-tinted berries.

It flowers through June to July, fruiting in August. It can grow to a Max Height of 3m to 10m, ans has a limited spread of 2 to 3m.

Cordyline australis prefers full sun or partial shade, and is hardy in most areas, and seasons other than the most severe winters.


Cordyline australis, commonly known as the cabbage palm, is a plant native to New Zealand and parts of Australia. It is a striking plant with a tall, slender trunk that can reach up to 20 meters in height, topped by a cluster of long, lance-shaped leaves. The plant produces small, fragrant white flowers in summer, followed by berries that are a popular food source for native birds.

Cordyline australis is a member of the Asparagaceae family, which includes other well-known ornamental plants such as agave and yucca. It is a slow-growing plant, but can reach maturity in as little as 10-20 years. The trunk of the plant is typically grey or brown and can be quite smooth or have a rough texture, depending on the age and growth of the plant. The leaves are long and narrow, with a distinct midrib and a pointed tip. They can be up to a meter in length and are arranged in a rosette at the top of the trunk.

Cordyline australis is a popular ornamental plant in gardens and landscaping projects around the world. It is hardy, easy to grow, and has a striking appearance that makes it a standout feature in any setting. The plant is also valued for its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen, making it a valuable addition to any green space.

One of the most interesting features of Cordyline australis is the way it changes as it matures. Young plants typically have a single trunk and a relatively small cluster of leaves at the top. As the plant grows, it may begin to branch out and produce additional trunks, each with its own cluster of leaves. This branching habit gives the plant a unique, multi-stemmed appearance that adds to its visual appeal.

The cabbage tree is an important cultural symbol for the Maori people of New Zealand, who have used it for centuries for medicinal and practical purposes. The leaves were traditionally used to make baskets, mats, and clothing, and the bark was used for fishing lines and rope. The plant also has significant spiritual and ceremonial importance in Maori culture, and is often used as a symbol of strength, resilience, and survival.

Cordyline australis is also known for its ability to tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. It can be grown in full sun or partial shade, and is able to survive in a variety of soil types, including sandy or clay soils. The plant is drought-tolerant once established, but will benefit from regular watering during periods of extended dryness. In colder climates, the plant may require some protection from frost, but it is generally hardy to temperatures well below freezing.

Propagation of Cordyline australis is typically done through stem cuttings or by removing and replanting offshoots from the base of the plant. It is a relatively easy plant to propagate, and can be successfully grown from cuttings with minimal effort. Once established, the plant requires very little maintenance beyond regular watering and occasional fertilization.

Overall, Cordyline australis is a versatile and visually stunning plant that offers a range of benefits to gardeners and landscapers alike. Its cultural significance, hardiness, and adaptability make it an ideal choice for a wide range of settings, from urban parks and gardens to private backyards and commercial landscaping projects. Whether grown for its ornamental value, cultural significance, or environmental benefits, the cabbage palm is a plant that is sure to impress and inspire.


Plant Size

9cm, 3 Litre, 10 Litre


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