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Genista Porlock


Cytissus Porlock

An ideal choice for small gardens or container planting. It typically reaches a height of about 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) with a similar spread, creating a neat and well-rounded bush.  Genista porlock is particularly loved for its profusion of bright yellow blooms that appear in late spring and continue through the summer months. It also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Genista Porlock

Cytissus Porlock

Genista Porlock has fragrant, golden pea-like flowers which adorn this award-winning plant. It is smothered in blooms between March to April. Its silver-green, semi-evergreen leaves, is a great choice for winter and early spring interest. Genista ‘Porlock’ forms a rounded, spreading bush providing excellent ground cover for banks and coastal locations.
No regular pruning is required other than to take out dead and diseased branches after flowering. Whilst this shrub is semi-evergreen, it can lose some of its leaves in winter and in colder regions or more exposed gardens, it may lose them all, but fresh new foliage will appears again in spring.


Genista porlock, commonly known as Porlock broom, is a beautiful and versatile garden plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family. This evergreen shrub is native to the western regions of Europe, including the British Isles, where it can be found in abundance. With its vibrant yellow flowers and delicate foliage, Genista porlock adds a touch of color and elegance to any garden or landscape.

One of the notable features of Genista porlock is its compact and bushy growth habit, which makes it an ideal choice for small gardens or container planting. It typically reaches a height of about 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) with a similar spread, creating a neat and well-rounded form. The branches are adorned with small, green leaves that provide a soft backdrop for the stunning display of flowers.

Genista porlock is particularly famous for its profusion of bright yellow blooms that appear in late spring and continue through the summer months. The flowers are pea-like in shape and grow in dense clusters along the stems, creating a captivating burst of color. The vibrant yellow hues not only add visual interest to the garden but also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, making Genista porlock an excellent choice for wildlife-friendly gardening.

Another remarkable trait of Genista porlock is its tolerance to different soil types and weather conditions. It thrives in well-drained soils, including sandy or loamy soils, and can withstand coastal environments, making it suitable for seaside gardens. This hardy shrub is also relatively drought-tolerant once established, making it a low-maintenance addition to the garden. However, it benefits from regular watering during prolonged dry spells to ensure healthy growth and prolific flowering.

Genista porlock is a versatile plant that can be utilized in various ways within the garden. Its compact size and attractive appearance make it suitable for borders, rockeries, and even container gardening. Planted en masse, it can create a stunning display of yellow that brightens up any area. Additionally, the plant’s bushy growth habit makes it useful for creating informal hedges or as a filler in mixed borders. It also works well in cottage gardens, Mediterranean-themed landscapes, or coastal gardens, where it can blend seamlessly with other plants.

Caring for Genista porlock is relatively straightforward. It prefers full sun or partial shade, so it’s important to choose a well-lit spot in the garden. Regular pruning after flowering helps maintain a compact shape and encourages new growth for the following season. Additionally, a light application of balanced fertilizer in early spring can promote healthy foliage and abundant flowering.

While Genista porlock is generally a hardy and disease-resistant plant, it may occasionally suffer from pest infestations or fungal diseases. Keeping an eye out for common garden pests like aphids or spider mites and promptly addressing any issues can help maintain the plant’s overall health and vigor.

In conclusion, Genista porlock is a stunning garden plant that offers a host of benefits for both gardeners and wildlife. Its vibrant yellow flowers, compact growth habit, and adaptability to various growing conditions make it a valuable addition to any garden or landscape design. Whether used as a focal point, border planting, or massed display, Genista porlock is sure to bring a touch of beauty and charm to outdoor spaces.


Plant Size

2 Litre


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