
Hebe Silver Anniversary




Hebe Silver Anniversary is a compact, mound-forming, evergreen shrub bearing narrowly lance-shaped, grey-green leaves with creamy-white margins. The growth is  flushed reddish-purple in winter, and racemes of purple flowers are sporadically produced in summer. With its drought tolerance and pest resistance, this cultivar proves itself as a low-maintenance gem, bestowing gardeners with both beauty and ease. Growing to 60cm  high and 75cm Spread

Hebe Silver Anniversary


Hebe Silver Anniversary is a compact, mound-forming, evergreen shrub bearing narrowly lance-shaped, grey-green leaves with creamy-white margins. The growth is  flushed reddish-purple in winter, and racemes of purple flowers are sporadically produced in summer. With its drought tolerance and pest resistance, this cultivar proves itself as a low-maintenance gem, bestowing gardeners with both beauty and ease. Growing to 60cm  high and 75cm Spread Hebe Silver Anniversary is an ideal choice for the smaller Garden. It also lends itself to container planting, especially for Autumn and Winter display plantings.

Originating from the genus Hebe, which encompasses a diverse array of evergreen shrubs native to New Zealand and other regions, Hebe Silver Anniversary emerges as a distinguished cultivar, celebrated for its distinctive foliage and captivating blooms. Characterized by its silvery-gray leaves, imbued with a subtle iridescence reminiscent of moonlit skies, this cultivar adds a touch of allure to any landscape.

Hebe Silver Anniversary produces enchanting blooms, delicate spikes adorned with petite, pristine flowers grace the shrub, evoking a sense of tranquility. Each bloom, adorned with pristine white petals tinged with a hint of lavender, exudes a gentle fragrance, reminiscent of fresh morning dew. Against the backdrop of its silver foliage, these blooms emerge as luminous jewels, casting a spell of enchantment upon onlookers.

Beyond its aesthetic allure, Hebe Silver Anniversary offers a myriad of practical benefits, making it a prized addition to gardens and landscapes. Hardy and adaptable, this cultivar thrives in a variety of conditions, from coastal gardens to inland landscapes, displaying resilience in the face of diverse climates and soil types. Its compact growth habit and moderate size render it an ideal choice for borders, rock gardens, or container plantings, lending structure and elegance to outdoor spaces.

Moreover, Hebe Silver Anniversary entices pollinators with its nectar-rich blooms, beckoning butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects to partake in nature’s abundance. In doing so, it fosters biodiversity and ecological balance, contributing to the vitality of the garden ecosystem. As these winged visitors flit amidst its blossoms, the garden comes alive with the hum of activity, a testament to the harmonious coexistence between flora and fauna.

Caring for Hebe Silver Anniversary is a straightforward endeavor, requiring minimal maintenance for maximum reward. Providing well-drained soil and ample sunlight ensures optimal growth and vigor, while occasional pruning helps maintain its compact form and encourages prolific blooming. With its drought tolerance and pest resistance, this cultivar proves itself as a low-maintenance gem, bestowing gardeners with both beauty and ease.

In essence, Hebe Silver Anniversary is a symbol of enduring beauty and timeless elegance. With its celestial foliage and ethereal blooms, this garden gem enchants the senses and uplifts the spirit, inviting contemplation and appreciation of nature’s wonders. As it graces gardens with its presence, Hebe Silver Anniversary stands as a shining testament to the splendor of the natural world, illuminating landscapes with its luminous allure for generations to come.

Hebe (meaning “youth” or “bloom of youth”) is the goddess and personification of eternal youth in Greek mythology. She is the daughter of Zeus and Hera and the wife of the Greek hero Hercules. Hebe serves as the cupbearer for the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus, and she has the gift of restoring youth to mortals.

Plant Size

2 Litre


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