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Hedera Goldchild

English Ivy   

3 9cm plants for £9.99

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Hedera Goldchild

English Ivy

Hedera helix Goldchild is an evergreen climber, valued for its distinctive, variegated leaves. The foliage exhibits an enchanting combination of golden-yellow centers and deep-green margins. The leaves are typically heart-shaped with a glossy texture, adding an elegant touch to any garden or indoor space. As the plant matures, its trailing nature allows it to gracefully cascade from hanging baskets or climb walls and trellises, creating a lush and inviting atmosphere.


This beautiful foliage plant can be grown indoors or out. It’s three to five-lobed, grey-green leaves have bold yellow margins, so it really adds a bright splash of colour to the garden or when grown as a house plant. If it gets too big, this versatile evergreen climber can be planted in a sheltered position and allowed to cover an unsightly wall or object.

Hedera helix, commonly known as English Ivy, is a versatile and widely popular garden plant, but one cultivar stands out with its striking appearance and charming characteristics – Hedera helix Goldchild. This stunning variety of English Ivy has captured the hearts of gardeners worldwide with its vibrant foliage and numerous benefits.

Hedera helix Goldchild is an evergreen climber, valued for its distinctive, variegated leaves. The foliage exhibits an enchanting combination of golden-yellow centers and deep-green margins. The leaves are typically heart-shaped with a glossy texture, adding an elegant touch to any garden or indoor space. As the plant matures, its trailing nature allows it to gracefully cascade from hanging baskets or climb walls and trellises, creating a lush and inviting atmosphere.

The striking coloration of Hedera helix Goldchild serves as a captivating focal point in any garden. The vibrant leaves not only provide visual interest but also brighten up shady spots where other plants may struggle to thrive. This makes it an excellent choice for adding life to darker corners or as ground cover under trees.

Caring for Hedera helix Goldchild is relatively straightforward, making it an ideal choice for both experienced and novice gardeners.  Hedera helix Goldchild thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing it to harsh, direct sunlight, as it may scorch the leaves. It can tolerate shade, making it perfect for areas with filtered light or partial shade.  This ivy cultivar prefers well-draining soil that retains some moisture. Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s essential to allow the top inch of soil to dry before watering again.

Hedera helix Goldchild prefers moderate temperatures between 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). It appreciates a humid environment, so misting the leaves occasionally can help maintain its lush appearance, especially in dry indoor conditions.

Feed the plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to encourage healthy growth and maintain the vibrant coloration of its leaves.  Regular pruning will help control its growth and maintain a desirable shape. You can also train the ivy to climb trellises or walls by gently guiding its growth using soft ties or supports.

Hedera helix Goldchild is more than just a visually stunning plant. It offers many benefits, making it a valuable addition to any garden or indoor space.  Like other varieties of English Ivy, Goldchild is an excellent air purifier. It helps to remove harmful indoor air pollutants, such as formaldehyde and benzene, making it an ideal plant for improving indoor air quality.

The dense foliage of Hedera helix Goldchild provides a valuable habitat for various beneficial insects, including bees and butterflies. Additionally, birds are attracted to the plant’s berries, contributing to biodiversity in the garden.

Due to its trailing and climbing nature, Hedera helix Goldchild can effectively stabilize soil and help prevent erosion on slopes and embankments, and as mentioned earlier, the vibrant variegation and cascading growth of this ivy cultivar add charm anad beauty to any landscape, making it a favored choice for gardens, landscapes, and interior décor.

Hedera helix Goldchild is an enchanting garden plant that brings a touch of gold and green to any setting. With its stunning foliage, easy care requirements, and various benefits, it has rightfully earned its place as a beloved favorite among gardeners. Whether you are looking to beautify your garden, create a lively indoor space, or seek an eco-friendly solution for air purification, Hedera helix Goldchild will not disappoint. Embrace the golden gem and watch it thrive, adding a radiant glow to your garden and heart.

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