
Hosta June


Plantain Lilly   

The leaves of Hosta June are large, heart-shaped, and have a unique variegation pattern. They showcase a vibrant combination of colors, including shades of green, yellow, and cream. The center of the leaf is usually a bright golden yellow, which gradually transitions into a deep green towards the edges. It has flowers in shades of lavender or pale purple. First introduced in the 1990s it has gained immense popularity ever since.

Hosta June

Plantain Lilly

The leaves of Hosta June are large, heart-shaped, and have a unique variegation pattern. They showcase a vibrant combination of colors, including shades of green, yellow, and cream. The center of the leaf is usually a bright golden yellow, which gradually transitions into a deep green towards the edges. It has flowers in shades of lavender or pale purple. First introduced in the 1990s it has gained immen.se popularity ever since


Hosta June, also known as Hosta ‘June’, is a stunning and popular garden plant that has won the hearts of many gardening enthusiasts. With its striking variegated leaves and elegant appearance, Hosta June adds a touch of beauty and charm to any garden or landscape.

Hosta June is a perennial plant that belongs to the Hostaceae family. It is a cultivar that was first introduced in the 1990s and has gained immense popularity ever since. The plant typically reaches a height of around 1-2 feet and spreads to form a dense clump over time.

One of the most captivating features of Hosta June is its foliage. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, and have a unique variegation pattern. They showcase a vibrant combination of colors, including shades of green, yellow, and cream. The center of the leaf is usually a bright golden yellow, which gradually transitions into a deep green towards the edges. This variegation gives the plant a striking appearance and makes it stand out in any garden setting.

In addition to its stunning foliage, Hosta June also produces lovely flowers. The flowers emerge on tall stems that rise above the foliage during the summer months. The blooms are usually trumpet-shaped and come in shades of lavender or pale purple. While the flowers are undoubtedly beautiful, it is the foliage that steals the show with its vibrant colors and unique patterns.

Hosta June is a versatile plant that thrives in various growing conditions. It prefers partial shade or filtered sunlight, although it can tolerate some morning sun. The plant is known for its adaptability and ability to grow well in a wide range of soil types, including loamy, sandy, and clay soils. However, it requires moist, well-drained soil to thrive.

This garden plant is relatively low-maintenance, making it an ideal choice for both experienced gardeners and beginners. It is generally pest-resistant and not prone to diseases. Regular watering and occasional fertilization are usually sufficient to keep the plant healthy and thriving. Mulching around the base of the plant helps retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

Hosta June is a versatile plant that can be used in various garden settings. It works well as a border plant, edging a pathway, or planted in groups to create a lush and vibrant display. The striking foliage adds visual interest and creates a focal point in shady areas of the garden. It also pairs well with other shade-loving plants such as ferns, astilbes, and heucheras, creating a harmonious and balanced garden design.

When it comes to propagation, Hosta June can be divided in early spring or Autumn to create new plants. Dividing the clumps every few years helps rejuvenate the plant and maintain its vigor. The divided sections can be replanted in suitable locations to expand the display of Hosta June in the garden or shared with fellow gardeners.

Hosta June is a versatile new garden plant that adds a touch of elegance and beauty to any landscape. Its vibrant variegated foliage, lovely flowers, and adaptability make it a sought-after choice among gardeners. Whether used as a focal point, border plant, or part of a lush shade garden, Hosta June never fails to impress with its unique and enchanting appearance. With proper care and maintenance, this perennial plant will continue to thrive and bring joy to gardeners for years to come.



Plant Size

2 Litre


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