Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme


Shasta Daisy

There are many new varieties of Leucanthemum, we feel this variety can still hold it’s own with the best. The fragrant often shaggy flowers, which typically measure 3 to 4 inches in diameter, feature a vibrant contrast between the golden-yellow disk florets and the surrounding snowy-white ray florets. This juxtaposition creates a captivating effect that draws the eye from afar and lends an air of elegance to any garden bed or border.

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Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme

Shasta Daisy

Few plants can claim the timeless charm and radiant beauty of Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme. This perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the Asteraceae family, is more commonly known as the Shasta daisy. Its botanical name, derived from Greek roots meaning “white flower,” aptly describes the pristine allure of its blossoms. With its distinctive yellow centers encircled by pure white petals, Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme stands as a beacon of purity and grace in any garden setting.

Originally developed by breeder David Tristram in the Wirral Peninsula of England, Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme represents a culmination of careful hybridization efforts. Tristram aimed to create a Shasta daisy variety that not only boasted the classic beauty of its predecessors but also exhibited enhanced vigor, disease resistance, and longevity. The resulting cultivar, Wirral Supreme, has since gained widespread popularity among gardeners worldwide for its exceptional attributes.

Cultivating Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme is relatively straightforward, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. This hardy perennial thrives in well-drained soil and prefers full sunlight, although it can tolerate partial shade. With proper care, including regular watering and deadheading of spent blooms, Wirral Supreme can bloom profusely from late spring through early autumn, providing a continuous display of its stunning flowers.

What sets Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme apart from other Shasta daisy varieties is its striking visual appeal. The flowers, which typically measure 3 to 4 inches in diameter, feature a vibrant contrast between the golden-yellow disk florets and the surrounding snowy-white ray florets. This juxtaposition creates a captivating effect that draws the eye from afar and lends an air of elegance to any garden bed or border.

Moreover, Wirral Supreme’s flowers possess a delightful fragrance, reminiscent of a sun-kissed meadow in full bloom. This aromatic quality further enhances its allure, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies while providing a sensory delight to human observers. Whether planted en masse or as a focal point in a mixed perennial garden, Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme commands attention and admiration with its timeless beauty.

One of the key strengths of Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme lies in its versatility within the landscape. Its compact growth habit, reaching a height of around 18 to 24 inches with a similar spread, makes it well-suited for various garden settings. Whether planted as a border edging, massed in drifts, or incorporated into mixed perennial beds, Wirral Supreme adds a touch of brightness and cheer wherever it is placed.

Furthermore, this cultivar’s resilience and adaptability make it suitable for a wide range of climates and growing conditions. From cottage gardens to formal landscapes, from coastal regions to inland valleys, Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme thrives with minimal fuss, rewarding gardeners with its enduring beauty year after year.

Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme provides seasonal interest throughout much of the year, with its blooms typically appearing from late spring to early autumn. However, even when not in flower, the plant’s deep green foliage remains attractive, serving as a verdant backdrop for other garden companions.

Maintenance requirements for Wirral Supreme are minimal but important for promoting healthy growth and abundant flowering. Regular deadheading, or the removal of spent blooms, encourages continuous blooming and prevents the plant from expending energy on seed production. Additionally, dividing overcrowded clumps every few years helps rejuvenate the plant and maintain its vigor over time.

Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme stands as a shining example of beauty, resilience, and versatility. With its luminous flowers, delightful fragrance, and ease of cultivation, this cultivar continues to captivate gardeners and admirers alike, adding a touch of timeless elegance to gardens large and small. Whether as a focal point or a supporting player, Wirral Supreme earns its place as a beloved favorite in the floral repertoire of any discerning gardener.



Plant Size

3 Litre


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